
Martin Foster, from the Liturgy Office, asks for your opinions on a proposed core repertoire

Moderator: Martin Foster

Southern Comfort
Posts: 2023
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:31 pm

Re: Antiphons

Post by Southern Comfort »

Bugnini selflessly wore himself out co-ordinating the mammoth task of revising the liturgical books. Copernicus is correct that this role earned him the completely undeserved opprobrium of those who were (and continue to be) not in sympathy with post-conciliar reform. Far from being the architect of Satanic changes, etc, etc, he was simply the office manager for all the working groups and committees that did the actual work. And much of that work was in direct response to what bishops' conferences around the world were clamouring for. He did not "invent the new liturgy", "introduce freemasonry" and all the other absurd things that were made up about him. He co-ordinated the work required to implement the changes that the bishops were asking for, while at the same time retaining liturgical integrity.

I think the greatest tribute we can pay him is to acknowledge the way in which he managed to keep so many balls in the air simultaneously, while facilitating the collaboration of the world's top liturgical scholars and pastoral liturgists. And did he get any thanks for this? No, he was ousted in a coup by those who did not like what he had achieved, and exiled to Tehran as Apostolic Nuncio, where he died, presumably of a broken heart.

And now, back to antiphons, please!
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