Missa Virtute Magna

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Missa Virtute Magna

Post by Benevenio »

I've been singing Missa Virtute Magna (Clemens non papa) and know there are many settings, including Palestrina, which all use the same melodic line with its rising fifth start. I've tried looking for the original chant from which it came, but have come up short. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?
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Re: Missa Virtute Magna

Post by alan29 »

It might be based on a pre-existing motet. That was a fairly common practice.
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Re: Missa Virtute Magna

Post by keitha »

I'm pretty certain Alan is right. In its early edition (published after Clement's death) it is said to be based upon a motet by Andreas de Silva (c1478-1530), who is thought to have been either Spanish or Portuguese. My bet would be that it is taken from 'Intonuit de Celo Dominus' ('the Lord thundered from heaven' - Ps 17 & 177), which has the same rising fifth. It's from the Medici Codex of 1518 - a collection of motets by various composers prepared for Pope Leo X, a member of the Medici family.
Keith Ainsworth
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