Good Friday

Well it does to the people who post here... dispassionate and reasoned debate, with a good deal of humour thrown in for good measure.

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Good Friday

Post by organist »

The Tablet March 30 has an interesting article about remembering the dead on the Parish Practice page by Joseph O'Hanlon.
I searched the internet for the Prayers on Good Friday and there was an awful lot about the prayer about the Jews. This sent me back to my Missal. He writes that “Above all, the remembrance of our dead must be an integral part of the Good Friday celebration. It is theologically fitting to hang a stole of remembrance around a cross or to pin thereon the names of those who have died in the last year." But surely not on Good Friday unless he means after the veneration? There can be only one uncovered cross in church on that day. The intercessions only mention “comfort the dying”. So perhaps it might be a good idea for the newsletter to list those who have died during the year so people can pray for them. How many preachers mention the dead of the parish in their homily I wonder?
He quite rightly condemns the practice of accepting offerings for Masses. If we are to welcome people back to church, we must find ways to remove all barriers.
An annual service in November which is not Eucharistic when candles can be lit and names remembered works well, especially if there are trained people available to be there with the bereaved. Music for such a service needs to be right as well. It is far better to have “Love divine” and “Thine be the glory” rather than the hymns which bring back memories of funerals like Psalm 23 to “Crimond” and “How great Thou art”.
The Church has a rich resource in the rites for those who have died and far too often priests resort to a printed booklet which does not give the many options available. If the family and friends want to be involved, they should be aware that they can place symbols on the coffin, read prayers and readings and sprinkle the holy water. We can all do this simple action and it really helps the bereaved to be able to do this.
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Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:39 pm
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Location: London

Re: Good Friday

Post by organist »

Have submitted this as a letter to The Tablet. How often have you squirmed at a funeral/burial/cremation with NOTHING to do and horrible hymns to sing? :(
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