Papal Visit

Well it does to the people who post here... dispassionate and reasoned debate, with a good deal of humour thrown in for good measure.

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Re: Papal Visit

Post by nazard »

Now that the visit is over, and Cardinal Newman is well and truly beatified, I thought I would share a little rhyme which amused us at school, where we did not show our founder due respect.

Cardinal Newman,
Was, after all, only human.
His Apologia pro vita sua
Shows he was no better than you are.

Hopefully, this will encourage board members to read the Aplogia.
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Re: Papal Visit

Post by organist »

We were invited pilgrims in the 2nd row at the vigil. We enjoyed spotting people we know and gave the SSG banner a big cheer. The music choices were excellent especially as we were able to join in with most of them especially Farrell and Messiah! The presentations beforehand were excellent and very moving especially Jimmy Mizzen's parents and the reformed drug addict. Then came all the enthusiasm of youth followed by prayerful profound silence from so many people. My letter to "The Tablet" mentioned this and the need for beautiful music and silences in our liturgies. They cut the bit about the Pope personally and publicly thanking the musicians - our clergy could learn from that! And walking down the middle of an empty Park Lane and Hyde Park corner to get to Victoria - amazing! We both followed the visit on the internet and on TV and it was a wonderful experience.
Only quibble so much Latin - English is the international language not Latin much as I love it! And there were some girl servers! My interfaith contacts were most interested in the visit. Rowan Williams distinguished himself (as always) and so did the Chief Rabbi. ALl the homilies and speeches are worth studying!
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