Resources for planning Liturgy

The New Translation

Singing the Mass – a new directive

The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has issued a statement (access it here) which advises that as from Pentecost 2014 the only settings oof the Ordinary of the Mass (in English translation) that may be used are ones that use the current English translation.

To assist parishes, schools and other communities that are still using musical settings using former translations the Society has produced Keep Calm, a simple guide on how to proceed, and an outline of a workshop that might be used by deaneries and diocesan agencies to offer help and support.

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A rich collection of resources from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Liturgy Office, on all matters concerning the new translation of the Roman Missal. Including videos, guidelines and materials for composers, downloadable materials for studying the text and much more.

The Processional

A compilation by the Society of Saint Gregory of English translations of the antiphons of the Roman Missal, the Simple Gradual and an Offertoriale, presented to composers for setting to music.

Find out more here.

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Music and text for the Roman Missal on the ICEL website. These may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial purposes.

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