Happy feast day!

Happy feast day!

A happy feast day and every blessing on this patronal feast of St Gregory the Great to all SSG members and followers of our website. “For, as on the festival of Saint Gregory, you bid your Church rejoice, so, too, you strengthen her by the example of his holy...
Season of creation

Season of creation

Sunday 1 September is the beginning of the Season of Creation which continues until the feast of St Francis of Assisi on 4 October. In a joint statement, Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Justin Welby, write, “Future generations will...
Hodder Sunday Missal

Hodder Sunday Missal

Hodder & Stoughton are publishing a people’s Sunday Missal with the new ESV-CE translation of scripture and the Abbey psalms.  Hardback versions are available in blue or red covers at £18.99 or bulk discount ten copies for £130.  This is an alternative to...
Sunday 21 scripture

Sunday 21 scripture

Joshua 24:1-2,15-18  |  Psalm 33  |  Ephesians 5:21-32  |  John 6:60-69 This week’s readings give us a challenge.  After several weeks of reflection about Jesus, the bread of life and the new and eternal life that is offered to us, we come to the time when the people...
Alternative psalm versions

Alternative psalm versions

The Australian Bishops’ Conference has decided that musical settings of the psalms which use translations other than those approved for the Lectionary may be used.  At their May 2024 meeting, the bishops confirmed that “scripture texts set to music, by...


The Universalis app, which provides the full texts of readings and prayers for Mass and the Divine Office on each day of the year, has now made available the new lectionary translation (from the English Standard Version Catholic Edition [ESV-CE] with the Abbey...